A couple of my bloggy friends,
Heather and
Lisa tagged me and hopefully, this will help me to break my blogging slump.
So lucky for you, you get to read 8 totally random things about me and I want you to do the same.
Here goes. . .
1. It's no secret that I love cosmetics, skin care, etc. But, can you believe I have gone to work everyday the past two weeks with not a stitch of makeup on and my hair wet pulled up in a hair clip! I mean for goodness sakes, I used to not even walk out my door to check the mail unless I had make up on! So funny how things change!
2. I love bubble gum. Seriously, the bad for your teeth kind, that's straight out of a bubble gum machine.
3. Is it odd, that I am not angry at the guy that stole our ATV? I was more sad than anything and now that we have it back, I can't be mad at him. The investigator told me the guy had been out of work since March and I can't help but in some way feel sorry for him. My husband on the other hand, is furious! I, of course, still do not like the fact that some stranger was in our yard while we slept. That still freaks me out!
4. I am an english teacher's worst nightmare. I can spell and even won the spelling bee in 6th grade but I have no idea when and where to use proper puncuation. So, I just use it when I *think* it's right. I also tend to use , and ! a lot!!! ; )
5. I am so very thankful for my job. It's not what I ever thought what I would do when I "grew up" but if I have to work, I am glad I am doing what I do. I work for an addiction counseling agency and see people that truly are at "rock bottom" on a daily basis. The pay is not that great but the benefits are. There is nothing more rewarding than to see a client recover and get back on their feet. Working here has also made me realize how fortunate and blessed I truly am. I figure the least I can do for them is to be a smiling face and treat them with respect when they walk through our door. Even, if I am without makeup! : )
6. I am addicted to hoodies, love, love, love them! My fave outfit consists of a hoodie, jeans and a ballcap. Typical weekend wardrobe.
7. I wanted to own a Hallmark store when I grew up, still do actually. : )
8. I am still trying to figure out that camera! LOL
I would love to hear 8 random things about you.
So, any of you that read this, please reciprocate and let me know!: )