
Tuesday, August 19, 2008

First day of school!

Maddie's first day of school was yesterday and she came home with a big ol' grin on her face. Which is always a good sign!

Even though, we have been down this route before I still get nervous for her and can not wait to hear how her day went.
I was literally chomping at the bit yesterday to talk to her!

Anyhow, she loves her teacher and has a few former classmates in there as well. So, all is good! I hope third grade is her best year yet and that is saying a LOT b/c she really has had a good year just about every year.
I am so fortunate that she loves school so much!

Here is a quick shot I got of her right before we walked out yesterday.

Also, I thought this was funny. My mom treated Maddie and I to pedicures the day before and of course Maddie picks out the wildest, loudest color they have.
We didn't realize it until yesterday but her pedi matched her shirt!
Told you she had spunk! :)

Hope your kidlets had a great first day as well! :)

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